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Section 1:
The FUTMinna DE Mathematics Past Questions
(Samples from 2012-2017) combined compilation)
A person crosses a 600m long street in 5 minutes. What is his speed in km per hour?
[A] 3.6
[B] 7.2
[C] 8.4
[D] 10
Answer: B
If (17)
3.5 + 17
x = 17
8 Find x
[A] 2.29
[C] 4.25
[D] 4.5
Answer: D
Given that 10
0.48 = x, 10
0.70 = y and x
z = y
2 then the value of z is close to
[A] 1.45
[C] 2.9
[D] 3.7
Answer: C
From group of 7 men and 6 women, five persons are to be selected to form a committee so that at least 3 men are there on the committee. in how many ways can it be done?
[A] 564
[B] 645
[C] 735
[D] 756
Answer: D
In how many ways can the letters of the word 'leading' be arranged in such a way that the vowels always come together?
[A] 360
[B] 480
[C] 720
[D] 5040
Answer: C
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Section 2:
The FUTMinna DE English Verbal Aptitude\Critical Knowledge
( Samples from 2014-2017)
Each sentences below consist of a word or phrase which is bold. It is followed by four words or phrases. Select the word or phrase which is closed to the opposite in meaning of the bold word of phrase
History ABOUNDS in instances of courage
[A] shines
[B] lack
[C] suffice
[D] fails
Answer: B
[A] started
[B] closed
[C] finished
[D] terminated
Answer: D
In each of the following questions choose the word which best express the meaning of the given words
[A] learn
[B] gaunt
[C] emaciated
[D] obese
Answer: D
In each of the following questions, arrange the given words in a meaningful sequence and thus find the correct answer from the sequence
key 2. door 3. lock 4. room 5. switch on
[A] 5, 1, 2, 4, 3
[B] 4, 2, 1, 5, 3
[C] 1, 3, 2, 4, 5
[D] 1, 2, 3, 5, 4
Answer: C
Explanation: 1 3 2 4 5 implies: key lock door room switch on (NB: the idea is for you to put a in order in some terms (for example in term of usage) with the given numbers: we use key to lock door, door is to the room and we use switch to on or switch is to on
Section 3:
(Samples from 2014-2017)
In a liquid limit test, the moisture content at 10 blows was 70% and that at 100 blows was 20%. The liquid limit of the soil is
[A] 35%
[B] 50%
[C] 65%
[D] none of these
Answer: C
Bacterial protein called Catabolic activator protein (CAP) is an example of
[A] negative control of gene expression
[B] Positive control of gene expression
[C] second type of positive control of gene expression
[D] none of the above
Answer: C
How many different condons are possible?
[A] 3
[B] 20
[C] 64
[D] An infinite number
Answer: C
Ozone hole refers to
[A] hole in ozone layer
[B] decrease in the ozone layer in troposphere
[C] decrease in thickness of ozone layer in stratosphere
[D] Increase in the thickness of ozone laver in the troposphere
Answer: C
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Section 4:
The FUTMinna DE General/Current Affair
Eritrea, which became the 182nd member of the UN in 1993 is in the continent of____
[A] Asia
[B] Africa
[C] Europe
[D] Austrailia
Answer: B
Galileo was an Italian astronomer who ___
[A] developed the telescope
[B] discovered the satellite
[C] discovered that the movement of pendulum produces a regular time measurement
[D] all of the above
Answer: D
Philosophy is the
[A] study of bones
[B] study of muscles
[C] study of architectures
[D] science of language
Answer: D
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